Software Engineering 8th-Ed By Ian Sommerville
Software Engineering 8 presents a broad perspective on software systems engineering, concentrating on widely used techniques for developing large-scale systems.
Building on the widely acclaimed strengths of the 7th edition, 8 updates readers with the latest developments in the field, whilst maintaining the structure and content of the 7th – easily upward compatible for those using the text in a teaching environment.
Building on the widely acclaimed strengths of the 7th edition, 8 updates readers with the latest developments in the field, whilst maintaining the structure and content of the 7th – easily upward compatible for those using the text in a teaching environment.
- Covers all the latest developments on software engineering, keeping readers up-to-date.
- Core structure built around the key software engineering activities of specification, design, development, verification and validation and management, makes the subject even easier to grasp and gives students a clear understanding of how these important topics work together.
- 2 integrated, contrasting case studies flow through the text, continuously giving practical context and examples for topics discussed.
- Introduces management issues such as project planning early in the book, allowing it to be used in a project based course (where this material should be covered early).
- Discussion on systems engineering explains the role of software and why systems are more than just software.
- Significant coverage of requirements and architectural design emphasizing their importance in the overall SE process.