Monday, May 06, 2013

Death Race: Inferno(2013) Bluray

Carl Lucas / Frankenstein has won four of his races and needs to win one more to win his freedom. Before his final race, Lucas and his team, car and all, are transferred to another prison where they will compete in a Death Race in the desert. Also, at the same time, Ceaser runs into a marketer who wants to franchise the Death Race program.

Student of the Year (2012) on IMDb5.6/10

Quality: 720p BluRay
Size: 950MB

Login id:
Password: universe

Here is the tutorial for how to download the file for 4 shared

1. Click on Download Now
2. This will redirect you to another site (4 which will ask you to register where you can use the given log in password and username or you can register yourself if you want.
3.Click on download now button.

4. Finally click free download and wait for 20 seconds and download will begin automatically....