Thursday, November 22, 2012

Student Of The Year DvDRip

The plot begins with the dean Yogindra Vaishisht being hospitalized and students from his favorite batch re-unite to meet him. The story is henceforth told through them reminiscing their past in school, St.Teresa. Rohan "Ro" Nanda, is the son of a business tycoon who grapples with a complex relationship with his father and knows that winning the Student Of the Year trophy will bag him the approval that he subconsciously craves for. Abhimanyu "Abhi" Singh comes from a middle-class family, is there on a scholarship, and wants to achieve great heights of success and prosperity; the first step to which will be the Student of the Year trophy. When the two main protagonists with distinct backgrounds and clear goals clash with each other in the locker room, football field and the canteen, there is no question in anyone's mind that the preset equations of the St. Teresa's campus are about to change.
Size: 690 MB

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  1. Thanks for the full screen viewing

    1. Yes, we finally got how to provide the full screen view at the blog.

  2. Hey can you please provide the link for downloading as i am unable to get IDM at work....

  3. Yes, Mr. Rajeev I will look for it shortly..

  4. A=7/10
    but still good..

  5. please upload nice quality

  6. plz upload in bluray....
